If God is calling you to say something, then say it!
In the LGBT community we have sat willingly in the back of the church; quiet, alone, and feeling like we weren't good enough to speak.
Well guess what my friends, Those days are over!
There is a thriving LGBT Christian Community that is growing rapidly every day because people like you are Using Their Voice!
There is a Great Awakening in our community and it is spreading like fire around the world.
People who once sat in silence as they were beat up from the pulpit, hearing messages describing how they were going to burn in hell, are now rising up.
They are studying and learning God's Word.
They are seeking Him directly for answers and He is giving them!
God is equipping them with a message of Hope for the LGBT community.
People are taking that message to bars and night clubs, coffee houses and bath houses, Pride Parades and Community Centers.
By using their voice they are evangelizing our community!
For those of you who need some encouragement tonight on the issue of salvation if you are a lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or transgendered person let me remind you of John 3:16:
"For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (KJV)
We are all "Whosoevers" saved by grace through the blood of Jesus.
Your salvation is not up for debate.
It was settled on Calvary 2000 years ago.
The promises for all Christians apply as much to the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgendered Christians as they do for our straight brothers and sisters.
Now that you are reminded of this knowledge, when God impresses you to do something, don't think,
"But I'm gay!"
Claim the promises of who you are:
I am a Christian.
I am a Child of the Most High God!
I am Wonderfully and Beautifully made!
I Have A Destiny!
I CAN Pray for the Sick and They Will Recover.
I CAN Comfort the Hurting and Show Them Peace.
I CAN Preach!
I CAN Teach!
I CAN Do ALL Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me!
So many gifts from God lay dormant in the lgbt community because people feel like God would never use someone who is gay, or lesbian, or bi-sexual, or transgendered.
I am telling you now, YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!
"Therefore there is now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus..." (Romans 8:1 N.I.V.)
"But John, I've made mistakes. God only uses perfect people."
There was only one perfect man to walk this earth and He was crucified!
As a Christian we cannot depend on our righteousness.
Our Righteousness is of filthy rags! (See Isaiah 64:6)
We are made righteous through the blood of Christ that was shed on the Cross.
Paul tells us in Romans 10:4, "Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes."
"But John, I am in a church that wont let me use my voice."
If you are in a church that won't allow you to use your voice then take it outside the church walls.
Use your voice in the streets. (See Matthew 22)
Use your voice in your circles of friends.
Use your voice at the homeless shelters while serving others.
Use your voice at work.
Use your voice on a blog, or a forum, or with your twitter account.
Don't let the enemy stop you from proclaiming the message of Hope, Grace, Mercy and Love!
"But John, in case you haven't noticed, it's not very popular within our own community to be a Christian."
That is very true.
It is difficult to tell a group of people who have been abused in the name of God that He is a loving Father.
He is a loving father though.
It isn't easy telling a group of people that Jesus died so that they might have life when they have been taught that they are an abomination destined for hell.
Jesus did die for us all though.
It is very hard to invite a group of people into our churches when so many were once kicked out of theirs.
The church body is for everyone though.
The only way to combat the message of non-hope that so many in our community have come to accept is with the message of Hope!
The only way to spread that message is to Use Your Voice!
I make no apologies for my sexual orientation and am finally at a point in my life where I am completely out of the closet, but my sexual identity is not where my confidence comes from.
It is not the fact that I am gay that affirms who I am.
The affirmation and confidence in who I am comes from Christ alone!
It is wonderful to march in and support pride parades around the world.
They are a symbol of our journey for equality and I am truly thankful for the pioneers who paved the way for the freedoms that I enjoy today.
But, as a community of LGBT believers, as we march the streets shouting,
"We're Here! We're Queer! Get Used To It!"
Let's be sure to use our voice and shout even louder,
"We're Here! We're Christians! God Loves You!"
No matter what you feel God leading you to do; whether it be as simple as praying for a distraught soul in Wal-mart, expressing your love for God through painting or music, or even leading tent revivals around the world; remember who you are and who's you are!
Use Your Voice!
Don't let anything the enemy throws in your way keep you from spreading the message of Hope, the Good News, to the rest of our community.
You may be the only one who reaches that soul for God.
Use your voice to lead them to the Saving Knowledge of Jesus Christ so that they can use their voice to reach others.
If you aren't yet a Christian, aren't yet living the promises that God has for you, I encourage you to visit the "How to Become a Christian" link listed in the "Other Pages On This Blog" Section on the top right side of your screen.
Get to know the love of Christ today so that He can start changing Your Life and then you too can Use Your Voice!
As always remember:
God Loves You!
God Created You!
God Accepts and Affirms You!
Until Next Time,
Psalm 139:13 For you formed my inward parts;
ReplyDeleteyou knitted me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there were none of them.
He know us and loved us and make us ALL perfect before the days that were formed before us!
I sooo love those versus!
Thank you, John, for following me on Twitter. It gave me this opportunity to read your blog. I have looked at your entire site and will finish reading all your blog posts. It is truly my mission as well, as a Christian mother of a gay daughter, to spread the word that God loves all of us. More importantly, that everyone is welcome in God's house, including LGBT. How can we spread the word and hope of Jesus if don't allow everyone into his house? You are doing great work! Keep it up! God Bless
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful post!! I pray that greatly touches hearts and empowers them to claim, or reclaim, their faith!!