Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Don't Give Up!

"He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it."  Phil 1:6

Have you ever started a project around the house?

Maybe you started cleaning out that junky closet that no guest is allowed to see.
You were filled with excitement about completing it but something interrupted you.

Now two days, or two weeks, or two months have gone by and the project that once excited you sits half way completed.
Instead of excitement about knocking it out, you now look at it with disdain and aggravation.

It's okay if you identify with this example.  
I certainly do!
I bet you we ALL do!

Guess what, though.
We serve a God that finishes the projects He starts in our lives!

He will bring to fruition the projects and plans that He has begun in your life!

What good works has He started in you?

Is it a plan for ministry?
Is it a plan to start a business?
Is it a plan to conquer a habit or addiction that has challenged you for years?

No matter what the Good Work is, our Father God IS Faithful to Complete it!

The enemy wants you to lose hope.

I'm here to tell you right now, "Don't give up!"

Don't fall into the trap of self doubt and fear.

"I could never begin this business, or this ministry."
"I could never quit taking these drugs or drinking myself to sleep each night."
"I could never conquer this sex addiction or be faithful to my partner."
"I could never live a sold out life for Christ!"
"Why Try?"

When those thoughts start creeping into your mind, take a stand!

Declare who you are in Christ!

You are a blood bought child of the creator of the entire universe and all things that inhabit it!

Your father is the King of Kings!

He not only knows your name today but He knew you before the foundation of the Earth!

Combat the fears of self doubt with the faith that is your Destiny!

You were created with a purpose, a plan for your life!

Don't let the enemy cause you to give up on God's plans for you.
God hasn't given up on them!

He may be waiting for you to surrender fully to Him before He can bring them forth but He has certainly not given up on them!

He wants to flood you with His grace and mercy this very hour and every hour to come, propelling you to accomplish the goals He has set before you.

Don't give up!

God's promises are Yes and Amen!

Search yourself today for the seeds that God has placed in your heart.

-Maybe they are long forgotten because you gave up on them so many years ago.
-Maybe it hurts to think about these plans because you carry guilt and shame from not accomplishing them already.
-Maybe God is placing ideas in your spirit right now that seem too outlandish for even Him to accomplish.

God will help you finish cleaning out the junky closets in your life!
God will provide for your ministry to excell!
God will cause your business to prosper!
God will rescue you when you are in bondage to addiction!
God will Destroy those chains that bind you!

Don't Give Up!

Rely on God as your source.

He will cause the seeds that He has planted in your life to flourish!

Surrender to Him all the areas of your life.

Like the Apostle Paul who died to Christ daily, lay your will at God's feet.
Give Him your plans, allowing Him to replace them with His plans for your life!

Trust in God to complete His Good Work in you!
Don't Give Up!

As always remember:

God Loves You!
God Created You!
God Accepts You!

Until Next Time,
