Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Simple Christianity

There are many Christians, old and new alike, who ask the same question,
"What does it mean to live life as a Christian?"

One church doctrine gives one list of rules.
Another gives another list of rules.

Some theologies say one thing while other theologies seem to say the opposite.

In truth, the answer to this question is a simple one.

Live Like Christ.

I know what you are thinking. 
"I can't live a perfect and sinless life!"

You are right.  
None of us can.
But, we can strive to be like Jesus in all that we do.
We do our best and let God's grace and mercy meet us where we are and take care of the rest.

How did Jesus live His life?
Here's a few examples from His life and teachings that we can apply to our lives today:

-When you see someone hurting, do what you can to help them.

-When you see someone who is hungry, feed them.

-When you see someone who is cold, give them your coat.

-When you find someone who is troubled, listen to them. Pray for them.

-When you come across an outcast, reach out to them.  Become their friend.

-When you see injustice against those who are weak or have no voice, speak up for them.

-When you find religious people throwing stones at a "sinner", stand up for the "sinner."

-When you are hurt by somebody, forgive them.

-When you are betrayed by your friend, kiss them on the cheek.

-When you encounter your neighbor, love them.

-When you don't know what to do in a situation, pray to your Father in Heaven for strength and guidance.

Love everyone.

Make time to listen to children.

Minister to the least in society.

Live a life of confidence, not fearing what others think about you.

Be yourself, unapologetic about who you are. 

Be genuine.

When the trials of life seem to have tortured and killed your spirit, when you find yourself dead and buried, remember who you are and who your Daddy is!

Tap into the power of God Almighty, Roll Back The Stone, and Rely on Him to Resurrect You!

You have in your hands the same power that healed lepers and opened blinded eyes.
The same love that reached multitudes lives within your heart.

The same God who defeated death, hell, and the grave empowers You today!

What does it mean to live life as a Christian?
To live as a Christian means to live as Christ.

While doctrines and theologies are debated around you every day, hold to these words from Matthew 22:37-39:
"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first commandment. And the second is like it, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" (N.I.V.)

This is the key to living like Jesus.
It is not difficult.
In fact, it is Simple Christianity.

As always remember:
God Loves You.
God Created You.
God Accepts You.

Until Next Time,
