Monday, October 25, 2010

The Power of Praise!

This post is for you who sit crying, those who are in despair.

Has life been knocking you down?
Kicking you to the ground?

Do you feel neglected, rejected, alone?
Do you feel that your family or friends don't understand you? 
Do you feel that God doesn't accept and love you?

In the posts below we have addressed that God loves us.....ALL of us.....Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgendered, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Not sure what you are, God Loves and Accepts YOU as His Beloved Child!
Please read previous posts below.  We have proven it with scripture.  It's a fact.  Period.

Next, we have talked about sharing this Love and the Hope and Freedom that comes with it to all of those around us who are hurting.

Now, it is TIME TO PRAISE HIM!!!

Why do we praise God?
Because it breaks the strongholds that bind us and gives us power, joy, and freedom!

In ancient Israel it was the praisers that went before the army in war.
They were literally their first line of defense.
Can you imagine the faith in God it took to go in front of the army in each battle armed only with a tambourine and a trumpet?

WE are in a war today. 
It is a war against the enemy.
The enemy causes so many of God's precious LGBTQ youth and adults to give up on life, to harm themselves.

We may think this is a war against conservative Christians, or a war against religious clergy, but hear me now, it is not! 

This is a war against the enemy, the devil, and that is it.

Ephesians 6:12 says, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (King James)

I urge you who want a refreshing of God in your life to listen to the Revelation song that is posted below.

As you listen, praise Him.

How do we praise God?
There is no wrong way to Praise God as long as it is your own pure expression to Him.
Let yourself go in His presence and you will experience His Love, His Acceptance, His Joy.

Praise Him for your Salvation!
Praise Him for your Hope!
Praise Him for your Mercy!
Praise Him for your Joy!

The joy of the Lord is our strength.
When you feel tired and at the end of your rope, praise Him!
Let Him refill you with His Joy, your strength.

We cannot wait on approval from other people to Praise God.
No preacher, teacher, evangelist, or philosopher needs to give you permission to praise Him!
We have that approval from God!
Let's use the weapon of Praise as our front line against the enemy in this war on LGBTQ Christians.

When should we praise Him?
Keep a song in your heart.  Find music that you love and play it in your car, on your I Pod, in the shower.

Praise breaks that depression you feel.
Praise brings freedom and destroys those strong holds that bind you!

After you have praised with this song below find more praise and worship songs that lift you up.
Sink into God's Love as you worship Him. 
Hand Him your hurts and angst, your issues and disappointments.

You will be amazed how much better you feel when you forget the world around you and spend some time praising your daddy God one on one.

We have got to RISE UP and send out our front line of Praisers into this war against the enemy who has cost so many lives with the ridiculous message of non-hope, that somehow the abundant promises of Christ apply only to those who are straight.

Praise Him Now!

Watch your life change as you yield it to our loving Father!

Praise Him Now!

You will win the war against despair in your own life and you will become a front line praiser in this war against the enemy.

If the enemy has been kicking you and holding you down, Kick him Back!
He has NO power over you.
Your Father God created everything, the entire universe and beyond.
The word says "If God be for us, who can be against us?"

Take that promise and meditate on it.
Then, with all you have, surrender your life to Christ and Praise Him!

God Loves and Accepts You!
Until next time,


Revelation Song