Monday, October 24, 2011

The Great Multiplier

When you hang out with Jesus things tend to multiply.

Our Father God loves to not just meet our needs but provide for us beyond our expectations.

Many of you are aware of the story of the fishes and the loaves.
Matthew 14:13-21 recounts this story.

A multitude of people had followed Jesus and were hungy.
With a lunch of 5 loaves of bread and 2 small fish Jesus fed over 5000 people.
We know that there were 5000 men there without even counting the women and children.

Another example is Jesus' first miracle.

He turned water into wine for a wedding reception, multiplying the wine for that party.

Not only did He take plain water and turn into wine, but He turned it into Good wine!
The party goers exclaimed, "Usually the best wine is served first but you have saved the best for last!"

Why does God multiply things for us?

Is it because He loves us?
Remember John 3:16, "For God so LOVED the world that He sent His only Son so that whosoever believes in Him shall not parish but have ever lasting life."
But, that's not the only reason.

Is it because He promised us He would?
John 10:10 says, "The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy; but I AM come that they might have life, and that they might have it More Abundantly.
But, that's not the only reason.

A major reason that God multiplies things in our lives is to reveal Himself; to reveal the Truth of His Power to us.

Luke 5:1-11 recounts how James, John, and Peter became disciples of Christ.

They had been fishing all day and had caught nothing.
Jesus told them that they should move out of the shallow waters and drop their nets in the deep waters.
They protested.
After all, they were the experienced fishermen while Jesus was a carpenter.
Eventually, though, they agreed to try it.

What happened next revealed the power of God to them in a way they could understand.

When James, John, and Peter dropped their nets in the deep water they caught so many fish that other boats had to come over and help haul them in.

This so impressed Simon Peter that He fell to His knees and worshiped Jesus right there!

He and his two fishing partners left everything they knew and followed Jesus.

Because God showed His power to them by multiplying the fish so abundantly, they stopped being fishermen and became fishers of men.

The same God who showed His power to those disciples wants to show His power to you!

He wants to remind you that He still works miracles.
He still multiplies things today.

When you are sick God multiplies healing in your life.

When you can't make your income meet your expenses each month, yet somehow you make it through, God is multiplying your finances.

When you find yourself feeling hurt and unloved, God will multiply His presence in your life, comforting you by His Holy Spirit.

The greatest work of God multiplying something for our benefit occurred on Calvary.

He took one sacrifice, the Blood of His Son Jesus, and multiplied that atonement to cover your sins, my sins, and the sins of all who accept Him as their Savior.

That blood was multiplied to cover ALL the sins of the world!

That leaves the fishes and loaves looking small by comparison!

Allow God to work miraculously in your life today.

When you completely rely on Him you will be amazed how your faith multiplies.

Open your eyes and your heart with expectation and watch as God begins to multiply things in your life, showing you His Miraculous Power.

As Always Remember:

God Loves You!
God Created You!
God Accepts You!

Until Next Time,


Monday, October 17, 2011

Your Quilt

You know the song, "Just the way you are," by Bruno Mars?
Of course you do.  If not, you can check it out on the link below this post.

In the song Bruno is singing to a woman and telling her, "'...Cause you're amazing just the way you are."

Did you know that when our father God looks at us He says the same thing?

Once you have accepted Jesus as your savior, God sees you through His blood.
He doesn't see your short comings and failings.
No, He sees you through the righteousness of Christ!

Jesus lived, died, and resurrected so that He would be the pardon for our sins!

You are so special to our Father God!
Even before the creation of the universe He knew your name.
When Jesus was dying on the cross He was thinking of you.

You, yes YOU, are So Special to our Daddy God that He sacrificed His Only Son so that you could accept Him and spend eternity together!

Here in Alabama the older ladies in rural areas get together and sow blankets called quilts.
These sowing meetings are called "quilting b's".
As they apply square after square to the quilt, the top of it starts to shape into beautiful patterns of contrasting colors and designs.
Once they are finished with the quilt they lift it up on a stand to work on the bottom side of it.

When you look up at the quilt from the underside you see all of the threads hanging down.
You notice the mistakes that were made in sowing.
Perhaps you would see a blood stain where you accidentally pricked yourself with a needle.
The imperfections and loose ends that need to be cut off are glaringly visible.

Picture for a moment with me that your life is a quilt.

When you look up at your quilt it is easy to see all of the mistakes you have made while sowing it.
You might notice the loose ends that need to be trimmed off.
You might see the painful stains that came from pricking yourself with the sowing needle.

Are there threads hanging down of opportunities missed?
Are there areas of your quilt that seem so disjointed that no one could understand them?

Here's the great news my friends:

God views the quilt that is your life from above.
He sees the top of your quilt, the beautiful product of fine craftsmanship.
The tapestry of colors unfold to reveal a unique yet astonishingly stunning work of art.

John, that sounds wonderful but why would God view our lives from the beautiful side of the quilt instead of the messy side with all of the issues?

Because, God sees your quilt, your life, through the perfect cleansing work of Jesus!

Once you accept Jesus as your savior your sins are washed away.
You take on the righteousness of Christ.
His sacrifice is the complete and final work to give you freedom!

Did you know that God doesn't even remember your sins?
They are cast in the sea of forgetfullness as far as the east is from the west.

Man looks at your outer appearance but God sees your heart!

He sees the brilliant experiences of His Grace and Mercy in your life. 
He sees the beautiful man or woman or transgendered person that He created!

He sees your hopes and dreams, the talents that He has blessed you with, the exciting destiny that He has laid before you.

But John, you don't know the sins I have committed!

It doesn't matter!
God doesn't view your righteousness through your own strength.
The word tells us that our righteousness is filthy rags.

God views your righteousness through the finished work that Jesus did on the cross!

John now that I know about this amazing grace and mercy and that the debt for my sins past, present, and future is already paid, is that going to make me want to sin more?

Knowing that your sins have already been forgiven isn't license to sin more.

Instead, it causes you to know that you can approach your Father God freely.

Build that close relationship with Him, focus on living in His presence, and you will find that you no longer want to commit those same sins that have held you back for years.

So, the next time you feel useless to God; the next time you feel like a mistake; remember that He views you through the Blood of Jesus.

He is looking at the beautiful side of your quilt and saying to you, "You're so  amazing, just the way you are."

As always remember:

God Loves You!
God Created You!
God Accepts You!

Until Next Time,


Just The Way You Are- Bruno Mars